Filtri di voli

    Your safety is our priority

    Committed to providing you with useful information so that you can enjoy your travel experience with us , we want to share with you the hygiene and disinfection measures that have been implemented, as well as recommendations that you must put into practice during your preparation before and when you travel.

    Preparation for your flight

    Below you can find the recommended health measures so you can have a comfortable and peaceful trip:

    • Check the travel requirements of the country of origin and destination.
      Cuba has also established entry restrictions, visit the official sites of the country.
    • Do Web Check-In and download your boarding pass.
      The mobile boarding pass allows you to go directly to the migration area, once you auto dispatch your luggage.
    • Remember to wear a mask.
      This is mandatory.
    • Take hydro alcoholic gel with you.
      The use of hydro alcoholic gel is necessary in case you do not have immediate access to hand washing.
      Remember to respect the liquid restrictions size that you can carry in your hand luggage.
    • Make sure you comply with the measurements and weight allowed in your carry-on luggage.
      We ask you to pack it light enough, so you can store it in the top compartment without the need for help.
    • Arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight departure time.
      Most airports have more controls than usual, so registration may take longer than normal.
    • Take into account that the airport will only allow people to travel.
      If you require special assistance, you can enter with a companion.
    • Remember that you can bring food for your personal consumption on board our flights.
      To minimize physical interactions on board, food and beverage service has been simple.
    • To expedite the boarding process, have your boarding pass and personal identification handy.
      Each passenger will self-board by placing their boarding pass on the scanning device and showing their documentation to the agent at the door.
    • Changing seats on board will not be allowed.
      In the event that a passenger presents symptoms of COVID-19, the health authorities will identify him by his seat. Help us stay safe by staying in the assigned seat on your boarding pass.
    • Upon landing in Cuba, stay seated in your seat waiting for your turn to exit the plane.
      We will disembark from front to back to reduce contact between passengers.

    Health authorities’ recommendations

    • • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds (especially after using the bathroom, before eating, and after coughing or sneezing).
    • • Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth.
    • • When coughing or sneezing, cover yourself with the inside of your arm or with a disposable tissue. Throw it away after using it.
    • • If you have symptoms, such as dry cough, fever and / or sore throat and you do not feel able to travel, visit your doctor before deciding whether to keep the travel date.

    What should you expect on your next trip?

    • Check in

      • • While waiting in the room, try to maintain physical distance measurements.
      • • The boarding process will be carried out respecting the physical distance measures recommended by the health authorities.
      • • Boarding will be in groups, from back to front. There will be breaks in the calls to reduce the number of passengers in line.
      • • Whenever possible, you should auto-board by placing your boarding pass on scanning devices and showing your passport to the agent to reduce physical interactions.
    • Boarding

      • • The crew will not be able to manipulate your personal objects.
      • • On board magazines and pillows are removed.
      • • Food and beverages delivered will be pre-packaged.
      • • Movement in the aisles during the flight will be minimized.
      • • To the extent possible, seats located in the aisles of the last row will be locked for the comfort of passengers waiting for use of the bathroom / sink and those seated in that row.
      • • Sinks will be reinforced with soap and disposable towels to allow frequent hand washing. They will be cleaned and disinfected frequently.
    • Disembarkation

      • • A visual and documentary traveler control will be carried out at the Havana airport.